Big Brother--cut

Finally, the gratuitous content shown on Big Brother has been brought to some resposible justice. The ACMA, shown in this press release, has found Ten Network licensees in breach of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice for broadcasting three episodes of Big Brother Uncut.
The ACMA has initiated an investigation into the episodes following 'considerable public comment' (incessant complaints) on 'gratuitous and demeaning portrayal of nudity': Marty's unzipped massage trick--and 'very coarse language: when the blokes decided to compose a song about their sexual fetishes.
The MA rating (strongest permitted on free-to-air TV) basically says that any sex, nudity, language, adult themes or drug use must be justified to by the storyline or relevant to the program context. The kind of smut they show on some Big Brother episodes is far too wanton for a mere MA rating.
It's good to see the ACMA doing more than just taking complaints.It's good to see them properly holding their role as regulator of Australian broadcast content.
Failure of ten to comply with any measures after the investigation will result in their licence being restricted. Hopefully this will mean less Big Brother!
We live in hope...
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