'Give me a virtual home among the cyber-gumtrees...'

hmmm... doesn't quite have the same fluency, does it?
Well, it seems as though people are willing to buy, rent, sell and develop land and homes that exist entirely in cyberspace. They're calling them 'micro-nations'.
The other day I heard that some guy in the US who bought a piece of cyberland, is now selling off portions (of course the price increased) of it to willing cyber-bidders/idiots. And another guy, so obsessed with his little piece of cyber-paradise, that he murdered his room-mate for cyber-selling it to someone without him knowing.
If you read the 'IT Today' section in today's Australian, you would have learned about Mark Logan Pedley, a crooked Yank who has succesfully 'used the power of the web to found his own country'. He calls it Melchizedek--apparently it lies somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Yeah, in the fibre-optic cables under the seabed, maybe.
Who the hell would actually be gullible enough to hand over money for this type of thing?!
Yeah... Melchizedek... it's a beautiful place, home to the famous bull-shitaki mushroom, picturesque views, and I'm asking bugger-all for it.
Duh, can I see a picture of it? Where exactly is it? I can't find it on the internet... how do I get there?
Errr... sorry I wasn't listening... So do you want to buy it?
Duh, sure.
I think I'll keep my money for non-cyber items thanks...
picture sourced from http://member.rivernet.com.au/balehirs/drHouse.JPG
piss off anonymous, your fake encouragement is cyber-annoying.
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