Monday, September 05, 2005

google America?

A ponder:

If there is a Google Pakistan, a Google Russia, and a Google Namibia; how come there's no Google America? Isn't the US the home of Google?

And for that matter, how come there is no url suffix for the US? Just '.com'
I thought nobody owned the internet...

Strange. Any ideas?



Blogger samuel said...

I think it all links back to the fact that the US gave birth to it and forgot that other countries might use it at some stage, and when they did, didn't want to change a system which already worked.

Mind you, the conversion to IPV6 is going to be interestingly similar to the situation they avoided by adding .au/.nz/.?? to everything.

11:59 pm  
Blogger chris said...

IPV6?? Ummm... you'll have to talk dumber. 'Blog' is probably the most technical term I know.

4:59 pm  

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