They should call him the Parkin Inspector-General

[I know, I know--it's a corny headline, but it was too ironic to pass up]
The deportation of peace activist Scott Parkin this week has reached such heights of controversy, that today the government called for an inquiry into the affair.
Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS), Ian Carnell, will be heading the inquiry--although, I understand the IGIS is actually bound to conduct all investigations in private, meaning that poor old you and me probably won't hear squat. I can't even find out who this Carnell guy is, or who he'll be reporting to.
I wonder why the government would deport somebody, then call one of their agencies to investigate??? What aren't we being told? Even Kim Beazley didn't kick up a stink... why not? How was our security threatened? It seems the only thing being threatened here is the political integrity of the government and the Labor party.
Anyway, a situation like this woulnd't be the same without a bit of emotional, non-violent geurilla protesting. And here they are (inserted picture).
Last night, in a planned protest, the group (one of which is Scott Parkin's mate) bombarded Phillip Ruddock at a book launch, fashioning Mahatma Gandhi masks, handcuffs, and toting signs that said Would you deport Gandhi, Mr Ruddoch?.
Think what you want, I guess... I'm waiting (possibly in vain) for more information on the situation before I jump to any brash conclusions.
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