It wasn't his milieu anyway

Personally, I think Mike Munroe has been the best host of ACA in my time, regardless of the fact that I think any self-respecting journalist would steer clear of the soft-news format. Munroe had some genuinity to his approach, claiming that he was 'sick of toothbrush investigations' after he resigned as host. I was also very impressed with Munroe's tenacity in reporting the latest Bali bombings on Sunday night. It was so refreshing to see his calm and direct reporting, when usually the presenter would be heavily sensationalising such a story.
As well as Munroe being unsiutable for ACA, I feel the same way about poor old Ray. We've grown to love and trust him as a dedicated, level-headed Australian journalist, and when I see him on ACA telling us that we only get 497 grams in a packet of frozen peas instead of 500, I feel he is not receiving proper justice.
I hope he still reports after ACA, possibly as a National Nine News political correspodent--his original forte--but I'm glad he's leaving the muck-raking format. Hopefully ratings for commercial current affars programs will drop low enough to force 7 and 9 to clean up their act and produce something decent and informative for Australians to watch.
I will be interviewing 4BC's GREG CARY this Friday afternoon which will hopefully be very fun and informative.
I'll be asking him all about talkback radio: truth, information and entertainment.
In my opinion, Greg is the fairest talkback radio host on the Brisbane commercial airwaves and I hear he's also a very decent fellow.
Watch out for the wrap-up next Monday!
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