Uninteresting Title; Interesting article...

I encourage you to read this article, by Erica Iacono, on the Public Relations Week website. I found it through a link in Jozef Imrich's excellent blog, Media Dragon.
The article outlines 10 media trends which are occurinng within modern media industries. It outlines portable video content, blogs, the rise of celebrity news, media transparency, growth of Hispanic media, problems for newspaper industries, digital print media, news consolidation and convergence, the effects of abundant news, and the integrity of media measurement and ratings.
I love the way so many people (including me) hold views and conceptions of how the media will emerge in the 21st century's information economy, but nobody has ever gotten it completely right. When globalisation was the vogue topic, everybody was saying that local media content will dissapate and free speech will be a thing of the past. In fact, we have seen both ends of the spectrum (mass media and local free speech) emerge, in some cases, through the same medium (internet and popular music).
It's interesting to note Lloyd Trufelman's prediction that blogs will become integrated into general media--facilitating the possibility of commercial association. I can't see blogs ever becoming associated with commercial interests, due to the very nature of blogs: they act as a free voice of the people, aside from mainstream media ideologies. Having said that, I am just another chum attempting to forecast the future of new media, and in some instances I'm sure to be proved wrong.
The late, great A.J. Liebling observed, "Freedom of the press belongs to the man who owns one." Blogging and online journalism has given new meaning to this ;-)
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