Would you pass the relish, Rupert?..

In an act of undoubted good faith, media mogul and owner of the worlds largest communications holdings organisation, News Corporation, Keith Rupert Murdoch, has offered inviations to a dinner party at News Corp.'s Manhattan headquaters.
The places are selling on eBay for a reported AU$33,000. The money is going straight to the Jerusalem College of Technology--I have no idea why he's chosen that particular institution. Murdoch reckons the college has the potential to provide "many innovations and advances in the world of Information Technology".
Is this really an act of genuine good faith--or does Rupey just know something we dont?..
Oh well, good on him for donating. I wonder who will attend... any suggestions? Does John Howard get a discount?
I'll be bidding for a seat at the dinner table... yeah, it's true. John Fairfax is paying for my ticket on the proviso that I get Murdoch pissed as a fart and persuade him to sell all his Australian newspapers.
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