Tuesday, May 16, 2006

KCB201: Played to death

Here's something for game maufacturers to add into their end-user licence agreements:
`The company will not take responsibility if you kill yourelf as a result
of this game`. [I wouldn't be surprised...]

A 13 year-old Chinese boy, Zhang Xiaoyi, commited suicide in 2004 after playing `Warcraft: Orcs and Humans,` a product of the popular Blizzard Entertainment, for 36 hours straight.

`I want to join the heroes of the game,` Zhang said in his suicide note.

Last Friday, Zhang's parents announced they are suing the Chinese game distributor for US$12 500. They obviously believe their son commited suicide as a result of the game - the jury's out...

*one thing I noticed was, when you look at the website, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans looks so old compared to modern RPGs. It's amazing for a non-gamer like me to observe how far 3D games have come in just 2 years; Orcs and Humans looks more like SuperMario Bros!*


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