Moaning Lisa: Critics leave Da Vince Code groaning

That's what one critic said after seeing the premiere of The Davinci Code in Cannes today.
It looks like the film won't match the success novel - I suppose this is nothing new.
Apparently the film isn't that much different to the novel anyway.
I did wonder how they would arrange the plot of the movie to be different to the novel. Anyone who's read the novel (that is every Tom, Dick and Harry... and their dogs) knows who the traitors are and what all the clues mean, and I don't think they could make the film any different without buggering up the storyline.
Have a read of this uber-geeky deconstruction of the book and how it fails to make sense through pragmatists' eyes.
Peter Brunette said `Tom Hanks was a zombie,` (Somehow I don't think he's just referring to the movie) and Ian McKellen stole the show as Sir Leigh Teabing. Much in the same way Phillip Seymour Hoffman stole the spotlight from Tom Cruise in M:I-3.
Have a read of this uber-geeky deconstruction of the book and how it fails to make sense through pragmatists' eyes.
Peter Brunette said `Tom Hanks was a zombie,` (Somehow I don't think he's just referring to the movie) and Ian McKellen stole the show as Sir Leigh Teabing. Much in the same way Phillip Seymour Hoffman stole the spotlight from Tom Cruise in M:I-3.
*Photo courtesy of the Drudge Report
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