Packin' dacks ...

It turns out Channel 9 - more specifically, James 'packyerdacks' Packer - is suing IceTV for allowing viewers to skip through their ads.
IceTV is a popular new electronic program guide that allows you to queue up your own TV programs, automatically record them, and you view them at your leisure; ads optional. [what a naughty little piece of technology, watch out, here comes grandfather Channel 9 to give you a spanking...]
That's not what Packyerdacks was saying, though. He reckoned it was some king of copyright breach and IceTv had produced a programme that was too similar to Channel 9's. But we all know what he's really bent over; Gerry Harvey isn't getting his incessant Harvey Norman ads to the viewer's eyes (even if he runs them EVERY DAMN MINUTE) so Packyerdacks is losing out and that means someone has to die.
IceTV is confident Nine haven't got a leg to stand on (here's their pdf background of the case), and are confident 9's claim - despite being taken to the federal court - will probably fizzle out soon after the case is examined.
My message: Subscribe to IceTV!!!
*photo couresy of The Age
*Chris is not endorsed or employed in any way by IceTV and his comments are a product of his own free will. Nor does Chris have any personal issues associated with Channel 9, although he does think James Packer's head looks like a bowling ball.
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